Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Why can't I just snap my fingers and wiggle my nose and have my bike packed up and ready to go? I believe in magic, I just can't use magic to make this go any faster. So here I sit, staring at my bike hoping it will just jump into the bike box. Not likely to happen but one can wish. Really, I got a massage today, pre-race kinks all worked out and I just don't want to lose that happy feeling. So anyone want to come pack for me?

I also have nothing to wear for this race. And of course I waited until today to figure that out. Last year when I did this race, my shorts rubbed two large holes, one on each cheek! Not pretty, not comfy on the plane ride home. So this year, I'm screwed. I've got nothing, and it is snowing again. So it is unlikely I will get to the store to pick something out. I will just have to dredge up something from last year that doesn't chap my @#$!!

I guess I will go make some dinner so I can put off this bike packing a bit longer! Cheers!!

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