Wednesday, August 12, 2009


I am not really calling this a race report. I really did not get to "race" and there is not much to report. One week before the race my son hit my nose with his big ole head and broke it. We were at my niece's wedding and I was wearing a brand new very pricey dress. Blood was everywhere, I was not well. So as the week went on the breathing got easier and I though perhaps I could suffer through this race. So on Friday I took the kids to the pool so I could try out my nose and make sure I could swim. I proceeded to do a nice pre-race swim and then...bam! I kicked a metal chair and broke my friggen toe. That is right people, I was a mess. I could not believe this was happening to me. After lots of ice and Advil I decided I was going to Boulder and giving it a go. I mean I am not one to back down in the face of adversity and was not about to throw away the registration fee. So as I said there was not much racing involved. I very much went through the motions of the triathlon and finished without any other major injuries. I finished 9th in my age group and feel good today. I will start Ironman training next week when the kids go back to school, get ready Kathleen we are going LONG! Cheers!!!

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